How Egregores Influence the Mind of Man


Egregores are thought-forms or collective thought entities that are created and sustained by the collective beliefs, emotions, and intentions of a group of individuals. They are often associated with occult and esoteric practices, as well as with certain religious and spiritual traditions.

Egregores can be formed consciously or unconsciously, and they can take various forms, including entities, gods, spirits, or even abstract concepts. They are believed to have a collective consciousness and energy that is influenced and shaped by the thoughts, emotions, and actions of the group that created them.

Egregores can have a significant impact on the group's dynamics, behavior, and shared experiences. They can provide a sense of identity, unity, and purpose to the group. They can also influence the thoughts, beliefs, and behaviors of individuals within the group, often reinforcing the collective mindset and worldview.

It is important to note that the concept of egregores is primarily based on esoteric and occult beliefs and may not be universally accepted or recognized in mainstream psychology or scientific circles. The existence and nature of egregores are often subjective and depend on individual beliefs and experiences within specific spiritual or occult traditions.

"No two minds ever come together without, thereby, creating a third, invisible, intangible force which may be likened to a third mind." - Napoleon Hill

Egregores can have various characteristics and purposes. They may possess specific qualities, energies, or archetypal forms that align with the shared intentions and beliefs of the group.

Egregores can influence and shape the collective consciousness, attitudes, and behaviors of the individuals involved, creating a feedback loop between the group and the egregore.

These collective thought forms are believed to have a kind of independent existence beyond the individuals who contribute to their formation. They can exert influence on the group's members, providing guidance, inspiration, and a sense of unity. Similarly, individuals who connect with the egregore can contribute to its strength and receive its energetic support.

It is important to note that egregores can be both beneficial and potentially detrimental, depending on the intentions and energy of the group that creates and maintains them. Consciousness and intent play a significant role in the formation and influence of an egregore.

Overall, an egregore represents the collective energy and consciousness of a group, serving as a shared psychic entity that influences and is influenced by the group's members. It is a concept used to understand the dynamics and collective power present in certain social, spiritual, or metaphysical communities.

Removing egregores and groupthink can be beneficial for various reasons:

Individual Autonomy:

Egregores and groupthink can suppress individual autonomy and critical thinking. By removing them, individuals regain the freedom to think independently, make informed decisions based on their own values and beliefs, and express their unique perspectives without undue influence.

Expanded Perspective:

Egregores and groupthink often limit the range of ideas and perspectives within a group. Removing them allows for a broader exploration of diverse viewpoints, fostering intellectual growth, creativity, and innovation. It opens the door to new insights, solutions, and possibilities that may have been overlooked or dismissed in a conformist environment.

Personal Growth:

Breaking free from the influence of egregores and groupthink encourages personal growth and self-discovery. It allows individuals to explore their own beliefs, values, and interests, promoting self-awareness and a deeper understanding of their authentic selves. By embracing their individuality, individuals can develop their unique strengths, talents, and potentials.


Critical Analysis:

Removing egregores and groupthink promotes critical analysis and objective evaluation of ideas and information. It encourages individuals to question assumptions, challenge prevailing narratives, and seek evidence-based reasoning. This fosters intellectual rigor, discernment, and a more accurate understanding of complex issues.

Ethical Decision-Making:

Egregores and groupthink can sometimes lead to ethical compromises or unethical behavior due to the pressure to conform to the group's norms or beliefs. By removing these influences, individuals can make ethical decisions based on their own moral compass and principles, ensuring personal integrity and accountability.


Removing egregores and groupthink empowers individuals to think independently, embrace diverse perspectives, foster personal growth, engage in critical analysis, and make ethical decisions. By breaking free from the limitations imposed by collective influences, individuals can lead more authentic, fulfilling lives and contribute to a more diverse, inclusive, and intellectually vibrant society.

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Angel Quintana

ANGEL QUINTANA, Leadership Mystic & Founder of Sacred Anarchy

Angel is the Creator and Founder of Sacred Anarchy — a parallel society, mystery school, temple, and destination for rising leaders of the new aeon. She supports soulworkers in discovering their assignment through Esoteric Psychology, Western Occultism, Healing & Divination, and Self-Rulership, so they can lead meaningful lives and reshape the world as we know it today. She teaches others how to strengthen the signal of their antenna, find the esoteric solution behind every problem, and unlock and lead the archetypes that live within — the servitors who are supporting their assignment during this lifetime. Angel is an activist for personal freedom and a lifelong student of the divination arts, which she attributes all her success to.

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Angel Quintana

Angel is a Leadership Mystic and the the Founder of Sacred Anarchy, a society, mystery school, temple, and destination for rising leaders of the new aeon. She support soulworkers with the sacred knowledge of Esoteric Psychology, Western Occultism, Healing & Divination, and Self-Rulership so they can lead meaningful lives and reshape the world as we know it today. She teachers others how to strengthen the signal of their antenna, find the esoteric solution behind every problem, and unlock and elevate the archetypes that live within themselves — who are in service to their assignment in this lifetime. Angel is an activist for personal freedom (found within) and a lifelong student of the divination arts, which she attributes all her success to.

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