About Public Offerings

Embarking on The Great Work, the profound inner transformation required to be an authentic leader, is the calling of a brave soul—a journey that begins with the sacred offerings of Sacred Anarchy.

While Sacred Anarchy Mystery School thrives as a private membership organization, we extend entry-level public offerings and teachings to acquaint newcomers with our work and pave the way for deeper trainings. Our publications and trainings serve as portals, guiding you on the initial steps of your journey with us.

Explore our Entry Level Public Offerings

The Mystic Mirror - The Mystic Mirror by Sacred Anarchy is a self-reflection tool & wisdom teaching portal for uncovering your true self and manifesting aspirations. Release old paradigms and limiting beliefs via Tarot, astrology, magick, & other esoteric disciplines.

The Occult Chateau - Offering wholesale and retail elixirs and esoteric knowledge, this is our healing temple for those in search of deeper meaning. Find books, publications, personalized reports, colognes, herbal blends, and more!

Bank of Gnosis Magazine - Bank of Gnosis by Sacred Anarchy is an occult magazine & online journal featuring esoteric knowledge and weekly deposits to help you cultivate REAL WEALTH = KNOWLEDGE — the greatest asset known to man.

The Great Rebirth - The Great Rebirth with Angel Quintana is an empowering and deeply occulted educational series designed to help you reclaim your sovereignty in a world of increasing tyranny.

Holarchy - Holarchy is an educational sanctuary and exclusive mentorship platform tailored for rising leaders of the New Aeon. Here you'll gain access to a wellspring of knowledge, blending practical & spiritual tools in visionary leadership delivered to your inbox.

Sacred Anarchy Blog - Embark on a mystical journey through Alchemy, Ancient Origins, Astrology, and more in our blog. Explore the depths of self-discovery and universal truths, where ancient wisdom seamlessly intertwines with modern insights.

Sacred Anarchy Podcast - Enjoy video presentations inside the Sacred Anarchy Blog or follow along on Spotify or iTunes. This are hour long episodes with rich, esoteric teachings!

Free Course - Embark on a transformative spiritual journey in this eye-opening 13-part course that will awaken you to the sorcery of our modern world and to your divinity.

The Intention Behind our Offerings

At Sacred Anarchy, we are dedicated to nurturing authentic leaders who actively dissolve their ego. Our public offerings are designed to support individuals on this path, aligning them with their true selves. Authentic leadership arises when we transcend the ego's influence, preventing lower self desires from tainting humanity and plunging it into the shadowy storms of the Qliphoth.

Our psyche, a complex design, can trap us in the illusion of strength, success, and inner power. The Kundabuffer, developed under such illusions, leads to suffering—a double-edged sword despite outward achievements. To create a New World, a collective of individuals engaged in The Great Work, the dissolution of Ego, is essential. This alchemical process demands commitment, humility, and the ability to silence the ego, paving the way for true leadership.

The Anima Mundi

The Anima Mundi, the soul of the world, manifests through the pulsating creative charge within you. To become ONE with the Anima Mundi, you must navigate the abyss—the dark waters of the unconscious mind, often avoided by many. The Initiate's Path welcomes you to explore these depths and begin the sacred process of transformation.

The Path of the Initiate

If there is phrase to sum up the Initiate’s Path its that, “there must be a death, if you are to experience a new life.”

Death of the ego is literally the shift your body has been trying to communicate through health Issues, discomfort, scattered thoughts, sleeping issues, etc… and likely, this has been going on for years!

Your ego has likely been resisting this transformation for years, but you’re on this page reading these words for a reason — perhaps the “pain” has reached it peak or you’re just tired of lying to yourself.

As the emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual bodies begin their decent into the Underworld (the Abyss), your symptoms may get worse before they get better. This is natural, but it doesn’t make it fun.

During this alchemical process, you will be met by a number of guides and archetypes who will be there to support your purpose and your ascension. They will be your servitors and want nothing more than to see you succeed.

However, it is up to you if you choose to work with them and help them “help you.” They won’t know how to help you, if you don’t ask. In many cases, you will have to teach them how to help you too. More on that later.

As part of the Initiate’s Path you will likely be make many lifestyle changes to support this new way of life — but this is mostly to help subside the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual detoxification that is taking place within your psyche and vessel, which has been showing you how out of alignment with Natural Law you’ve been.

Anytime we are going against our natural way, Natural Law steps in with the intention to show you what must be changed in order to proceed. If you try to go against Natural Law, you start using force and that’s dark sorcery. I bet you didn’t realize that, did you.

Some people might just call this “bad luck,” but it’s must deeper than that.

How do we begin the process of initiation?

Here are some of the things to consider before walking the path of the initiate:

  • Disbelief - the ego will try to put things into the category of “not true” so it can detour you from change. Walking the path of the Initiate means you’ll need to be aware that disbelief is likely to occur which is the ego’s greatest trick. Don’t fall for it.

  • Emotional Rollercoaster - because much of your emotions have been suppressed, egregores will be detoxing from your field. It can feel chaotic until things recalibrate. Be patient with yourself.

  • Relationships End - its part of the journey, but your friend group may change or disappear, marriages may experience turmoil (sometimes even end in divorce) because you will no longer be operating at the same frequency. This is another reason people give up on The Great Work; their whole world can turn upside down.

  • Sensitivities – being in crowds, dirty places, etc… may have an impact on your wellbeing. You may find yourself purging clutter and craving tidiness. Anxiety around other people’s neurosis may also interfere greatly with your field. Be prepared to spend more time alone for this reason.

  • Physical Ailments — nausea, skin issues, fear, anxiety and panic attacks, depression. Be prepared for a Hexheimer Effect to occur, which is when things may “get worse” before they get better. If you suffer from health issues, the Initiate’s Path can and most like will show you exactly what you need to do in order to heal. Allow divine guidance to show you the way.

  • Heighten Psychic Abilities — this may be alarming at first as you may think you are having a mystical experience, which you are, but it’s part of the unveiling of Truth. You start to know things without knowing why, completing people’s sentences, and ability to read between the lines

  • Teachers and Synchronicities — start pointing you in the continued direction towards your correct path. Keeping a journal or grimoire is a requirement. This will help you better understand your own bio-rhythm and how your guides will communicate with you.

  • Out of Body Experiences, Astral Projection, Lucid Dreaming — likely from enhanced connection to the spiritual realm through binaural beats or meditation, the dream state or unconsciousness is an important part on the Initiate’s Path. More on this later.

  • Disconnection from Physical Desires and Pleasures — that once played a primary role in your day to day — like drinking alcohol, smoking pot, being lazy, overeating, being obsessed with materialism or money, etc… You may find yourself changing your diet or eliminating certain things that once seemed like a natural go-to or past time.

  • Creative force pulsates through your body — this may occur due to a kundalini rising experience or a spiritual awakening. You find that ideas run through you quickly and trying to keep up with them is a job in itself! You may want to keep a journal to document all your creative ideas; they will be very handy as you continue your initiate’s journey and eventually, leading a movement.

Mystery Teachings

My Instagram feed is packed with esoteric knowledge. Be sure to follow me there for daily deep dives on repairing the psyche.