Esoteric Psychology, Western Occultism Angel Quintana Esoteric Psychology, Western Occultism Angel Quintana

How Egregores Influence the Mind of Man

An egregore is a concept derived from occult and esoteric traditions, referring to a collective thought form or psychic entity created and sustained by the collective consciousness of a group or community. It is a powerful energetic entity that emerges as a result of shared beliefs, emotions, intentions, and rituals of a group of individuals.

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Esoteric Psychology Angel Quintana Esoteric Psychology Angel Quintana

11 Characteristics of a Genuinely Confident Individual

Confidence is a trait that comes from within, but society has pressed upon us values of status, money, and vanity that have twisted its true esoteric meaning. When confidence is simply a projection of what you have or what you look like, this is merely exoteric confidence. In order to get to the true heart of what confidence means and how to truly embody its esoteric definition, we must access the higher faculties and reprogram the subconscious mind.

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Esoteric Psychology Angel Quintana Esoteric Psychology Angel Quintana

Dreams: The Theater of the Soul That Communicates What’s in Our Unconscious Mind

Dreams, enigmatic and captivating, are the theater of the mind where our subconscious takes center stage, weaving intricate narratives that can range from the mundane to the surreal. They are windows into a realm where imagination, memory, and emotions intertwine, giving rise to experiences that can be whimsical, terrifying, enlightening, or utterly perplexing.

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